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SmartLipo versus CoolSculpting versus Vanquish, What’s the Difference?

rsbellyforcoolsculpting_350_212_c1_c__1 We often get asked why offer three different fat reduction techniques? Isn’t one the best? There are a number of reasons why we offer SmartLipo, CoolSculpting, and Vanquish.
Dermatologists invented liposuction and we specialize in procedures involving the skin and subcutaneous tissue. We leave muscle, facia, tendons, and bone to plastic surgeons, orthopedists, and general surgeons. Dermatologists generally don’t do procedures that require deep anesthesia. Liposuction can be done with mild sedation and local anesthesia. When done with these technologies, liposuction is very safe.
Vanquish is an exciting new technology based on excellent science. Our patients like to have access to new evidence based technology, so we are proud to offer it as well.
Coolsculpting has been available for several years and continues to be an excellent way to kill fat cells by freezing them. No anesthesia or sedation is necessary.
Dermatology Affiliates offers all three procedures to help our patients remove unwanted fat. We want our patients to choose the procedure that meets their needs. Below is a table that summarizes the difference between the procedures:

SmartLipo Picture_1

CoolSculpting Picture_3

Vanquish Fat Removal
Minimally invasive (several small incisions, fluids, and instruments instead under the skin resulting in small scars) Non-invasive (entirely outside of the skin) Non-invasive (entirely outside of the skin)
Local anesthesia No anesthesia No anesthesia
One session needed per area May need multiple sessions for one area 4 sessions once a week for a month
Used for tummy, flanks, upper arms, batwings, saddlebags, thighs, knees Approved for tummy, flanks, and back Approved for tummy and flanks
Melts fat, then sucks out oil Kills fat cells by freezing Melts fat cells using radio frequency
Compression garment for one week 24/7 No special garments necessary No special garments necessary
One to two weeks of bruising Occasional bruising No bruising
Cost: about $3000 for one area, $1000 for each additional area $750-$1450 per treated area $750/treatment, $3000 for series of four treatments to one area
Sometimes not all areas can be done at the same time One area per session; multiple sessions can be scheduled in the same day One area treated during a session
Physician performs procedure PA performs procedure PA performs procedure
Cannot drive home (if mild sedation used) Can drive home Can drive home
One to five days of minimal activity No down time No down time
Mild discomfort 1-4 days Some burning a week after procedure when fat is dying Some tenderness and bumps for a week after treatment
Results immediately obvious Results obvious after 2-3 months Results obvious after 4-6 weeks