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Winter Body Contouring Seminars!

stomach fatbanner Starting in 2015 Dermatology Affiliates will add Ultra Shape to our full suite of body contouring options. We believe that between CoolSculpting, Vanquish, Ultra Shape, and SmartLipo we are able to help people meet their varying desires for body contouring with a variety of downtimes and experiences. To better understand how each of these different options applies to your specific situation Rutledge Forney, MD, Cynthia Abbot, MD, and Haillee Sanders PA-C are hosting three seminars that take an in-depth look at all four process and allow time for you to ask questions about your specific situation.
This year these seminars will be held at our Buckhead office on February 13th, February 27th, and March 13th at 1pm. If you are interested in registering for one of our free body contouring seminars, please call us at 404-816-7900.
Another good place to start researching are a few of our blogs and videos about these procedures.
Vanquish: Fat Reduction in Numbers
SmartLipo versus CoolSculpting versus Vanquish, What’s the Difference?
An Indepth Look at the SmartLipo Process: Geonni’s Story