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Vanquish: Fat Reduction in Numbers

Dr._Forney_Small2_350_300_c1_c__1 We believe our job as medical professionals is to vet all the new fangled lasers and science promising fabulous results quickly with little downtime. We would all love to see big changes with little effort, but generally these claims yield the same results as snake oils from the days of yesteryear.
In Dermatology Affiliates’ own history, a fat reduction charmed us, so we brought the laser into our office. We did our own due diligence with our staff and found the results wanting. The specs required our staff to follow a strict diet and exercise while using the laser. Hmmm…sounds like the results the manufacturer touted could actually have come from the lifestyle changes recommended during the laser use.
However, we have recently found a new device, Vanquish, that touts an average of a 2 inch decrease in waist measurements after 4 weekly treatments. You know what… it is working! The numbers from our staff members (names are changed to protect privacy) that show the amazing results this machine is getting. For reference, the specs of the machine say that your best measurement should be one month after the 4th treatment.
After 1 treatment, Staffer B decreased by 1 inch (2.5 cm).
After 2 treatments, Staffer K decreased 2.16 inches (5.5 cm).
After 3 treatments, Staffer P decreased 1 in (3 cm).
After 3 treatments, Staffer S decreased 3 inches (8 cm)
After 5 treatments, Staffer M has seen a decrease in waist circumference by 4.7 inches (11 cm)
Now, truth in advertising, one staff member has seen no change, so the word “AVERAGE” is important. She admits to not following the instructions to hydrate aggressively a day before, the day of and the day after treatment. She is relatively small and most of the results above are on bigger gals. We will see what her results are at the 30 day mark.
On top of providing dramatic results, our staff member S says, “Once on, the machine acts much like a heating pad. The doctor instructed me to let her know if it got too hot, felt like I had hot spots, or if I felt like I was sweating; all of which you want to avoid. However, for me, the 30 minutes was very easy; I could have just taken a nap.”