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Stacey, What’s in Your Beauty Bag?

stacypic_350_300_c1_c__1 At Dermatology Affiliates we are lucky to have a large staff made up of more than 50 thoughtful, fun,and interesting people. Our new blog feature, “What’s in your beauty bag?” will highlight one staff member and her beauty bag. These blogs reflect the individual experience and/or opinion of the staffer and are not intended to speak for the company as a whole or our individual doctors. Everyone’s skin is different and this series hopes to highlight that filling your beauty bag is a personal and unique experience. Enjoy!
I have always had very oily skin. The oil build up would cause me to have bad acne breakouts. As a teenager I tried every product on the drug store shelf in hopes of controlling my oily skin. The products would temporarily help but my skin always became oily again.
As a desperate teenager I would pick at my face in hopes on clearing a blemish quicker. Way wrong! The picking only made my skin look worse and it even caused scarring. As an adult I still have persistent acne but it’s now controlled. My breakouts are minimal now and I know how to properly handle them when they come on. With the products I have been using for the past year my skin has never looked better.
I love my products! I have set up a daily regiment with the guidance of my two awesome Aesthetician’s, Emily and Karen, and my doctor, Dr. Forney.
First I am religious with my cleansing. I wash my face every morning and night with a prescription wash. It’s a sulfur wash that helps keep my oily, acne prone skin under control without drying my skin out too much.
The Second item in my skin care arsenal is my moisturizer. During the winter months I find my skin to be drier so I use a moisturizer called Smart Oil Free Moisturizer. This moisturizer is great for me because it gives me enough moisture but does not give me that dreaded shiny look. During the summer months I do not always use a daily moisturizer. I find that my sunscreen acts as a moisturizer as well as a sunscreen.

This leads us to my third counter of attack, Sunscreen. I ALWAYS use my sunscreen! I never realized how important sunscreen was until I hit my 20’s. I started noticing that my skin was not as bright as it once was. I also noticed that my friend who has very fair skin still had a bright almost glow to her skin. Once I did some research I realized how damaging the sun is to your skin. My friend’s skin still looks so radiant because she always stayed out of the sun. She religiously used a high SPF sunscreen to protect her fair skin from burning. From that point on I’ve been very conscious of the sun exposure I get and I re-apply my sunscreen throughout the day. I use the Elta Clear sunscreen with a SPF 46. The Elta clear is great for me because it has Niacinamide, which helps clear acne and blemishes.
Last but not least, my fourth weapon of defense is my Smart Retinol 2. I put this on at night and leave on until morning. I love my Smart Retinol 2 because it has both retinols and antioxidants. Retinols help with anti-aging by firming, tightening, and filling up fine line and wrinkles. Antioxidants reduce free radicals so your skin can glow.
I love to have peels done on my face. Each time I have a peel done I feel like my skin is reborn. My skin becomes smoother and clearer with no pain. They help erase all the acne scarring that has haunted me for so many years. The peeling process itself is not glorious but the results are. It’s like a magical brightening potion for my skin.
I also had the Isolaz laser treatment done with one of my aesthetician’s Emily. I was a little scared about this because I have never had a laser treatment done before. The Isolaz laser treatment is a tool that suctions to small parts of your face at a time. It has a light that shins in your skin to help kill the bacteria that causes acne breakouts. I was afraid that the treatment would hurt but it didn’t hurt at all. It tickled more than anything.
I’m very excited to be planning my first Fraxel Laser treatment. This laser is great for eliminating acne scarring and helps shrink pores. From what I understand the procedure requires an hour of numbing and can have a painful but short recovery. I’m finally getting the skin I have always dreamed of!