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The Art and Science of Beautiful Skin.


The Art and Science of Beautiful Skin.

Skincare Tips for the Changing Seasons by Aesthetician Emily Negron

As the seasons change, so should your skin care regimen. Working with your aesthetician, you can customize a plan that best suits your individual needs given your skin care concerns and lifestyle. Fall: Before you know it, holiday invites will be coming...
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Dr. Forney, What’s in your beauty bag?

At Dermatology Affiliates we are lucky to have a large staff made up of more than 50 thoughtful, fun,and interesting people. Our new blog feature, "What's in your beauty bag?" will highlight one staff member and her beauty bag. These blogs reflect the...
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Vanity and Laziness: 10 years later.

Here’s the thing about getting procedures done, you better be diligent about your skincare routine. Are you someone who has a hard time getting up every morning, taking a shower, brushing your teeth, and PUTTING ON YOUR SPF before you stumble out the...
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Sally Ann, What’s in Your Beauty Bag?

At Dermatology Affiliates we are lucky to have a large staff made up of more than 50 thoughtful, fun, and interesting people. Our new blog feature, "What's in your beauty bag?" will highlight one staff member and her beauty bag. These blogs reflect the...
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Basal Cell Carcinoma, Melanoma, PicoSure, and My Husband’s Tattoo

Sometimes the universe sends you a message in a most unusual confluence of events. Recently, my husband, Liam, was thinking about finishing the tattoo on his right arm. He had started his sleeve years ago, but had never completed the color component...
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Vanquish Results on Swine (Warning includes graphic medical photography.)

I wrote recently about the numbers and results our staff members are getting from the Vanquish Fat Reduction treatments. Nonetheless, liposuction and SmartLipo provide a great deal of confidence because the results are immediate and you know what is...
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Christa, What’s in your beauty bag?

At Dermatology Affiliates we are lucky to have a large staff made up of more than 50 thoughtful, fun, and interesting people. Our new blog feature, "What's in your beauty bag?" will highlight one staff member and her beauty bag. These blogs reflect the...
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Vanquish: Fat Reduction in Numbers

We believe our job as medical professionals is to vet all the new fangled lasers and science promising fabulous results quickly with little downtime. We would all love to see big changes with little effort, but generally these claims yield the same results...
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Elissa, What’s in your beauty bag?

At Dermatology Affiliates we are lucky to have a large staff made up of more than 50 thoughtful, fun, and interesting people. Our new blog feature, "What's in your beauty bag?" will highlight one staff member and her beauty bag. These blogs reflect the...
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You’re expecting….now what to expect from your skin

I was thrilled to see the two lines confirming I was indeed pregnant. After announcing the news to my husband, I suddenly thought of my beloved products that I would have to push aside for the next 9 plus months. As much as I would miss certain ingredients,...
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Check out our 90-day Challenge!

Even if you didn’t join our 90-Day Challenge, we’d love for you to follow along and learn how integrating a cohesive skin care program, including products and procedures, can bring dramatic results in as little as 90 days. Our 90-Day Challenge started...
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Virginia, What’s in your beauty bag?

At Dermatology Affiliates we are lucky to have a large staff made up of more than 50 thoughtful, fun, and interesting people. Our new blog feature, "What's in your beauty bag?" will highlight one staff member and her beauty bag. These blogs reflect the...
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Dr. Erickson, What’s in your beauty bag?

At Dermatology Affiliates we are lucky to have a large staff made up of more than 50 thoughtful, fun,and interesting people. Our new blog feature, "What's in your beauty bag?" will highlight one staff member and her beauty bag. These blogs reflect the...
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Alysia, What’s in your beauty bag?

At Dermatology Affiliates we are lucky to have a large staff made up of more than 50 thoughtful, fun, interesting people. Our new blog feature, "What's in your beauty bag?" will highlight one staff member and her beauty bag. These blogs reflect the...
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Dermatology Affiliates Longest Lashes Contest

Vote for the best lashes among our staffers! Photos are shown after 1 month of using LATISSE. LATISSE is a prescription treatment for hypotrichosis (inadequate or not enough lashes) to grow eyelashes longer, fuller, darker. If you are interested in growing...
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