
Top 5 Psoriasis Triggers and How to Avoid Them

Reduce Psoriasis Flare-Ups with These Tips and Tricks

Psoriasis is one of the most chronic skin conditions that impacts the immune system of the affected individual, generating an increased number of new skin cells. Over time, the accumulation of dead skin cells becomes overwhelming on the skin's surface, resulting in irritation, scaling, redness, and inflamed patches of skin. 

Learning about common triggers of psoriasis and how to avoid them can significantly reduce symptoms and the frequency of flare-ups you experience.

Psoriasis Trigger #1: Diet

Since psoriasis is closely linked to the body's immune system, your diet can significantly influence how it impacts your skin, flare-ups, and inflammation. To manage psoriasis effectively, it's essential to avoid foods that trigger systemic inflammation, such as highly processed foods, high-carbohydrate foods lacking fiber, sugary foods and beverages, and starchy foods.

Instead, focus on incorporating lean proteins, nuts, and fibrous vegetables into your diet. Adopting an anti-inflammatory diet tailored to your body's needs can help reduce psoriasis flare-ups and alleviate symptoms.

Psoriasis Trigger #2: Weather

Psoriasis is an extremely reactive skin condition, especially in highly sensitive individuals. Both cold and extremely hot weather can trigger flare-ups in those with psoriasis, even unexpectedly or without warning. Maintaining moist skin with a moisturizer at home and avoiding extreme heat can reduce outbreaks.

When in the sun or heat, be sure to wear loose-fitting garments and hats and seek shade whenever possible. Carry umbrellas, sunscreen, and covered clothing whenever you plan to spend time outdoors or if you're going somewhere new on vacation.

Psoriasis Trigger #3: Skin Injuries

Individuals with psoriasis may have a weakened immune system, especially during flare-ups. If you experience a skin injury, a psoriasis outbreak may occur. Simple cuts, sunburns, or basic scrapes and lesions can trigger psoriasis flare-ups. This is known as the Koebner phenomenon.

Psoriasis Trigger # 4: Medications

In some cases, medications may cause skin conditions to worsen or become exacerbated. Individuals who are currently taking anti-depressants, beta-blockers, or even various antimalarials should work with their doctor and dermatologist to determine if their medications are triggering flare-ups and outbreaks. Anytime you are discussing a new medication with a doctor or specialist, inform them of your psoriasis to minimize the risk of interactions or negative side effects.

Psoriasis Trigger #5:

Tobacco and alcohol are known to trigger inflammation and chronic illness in the body, which is why it's essential to avoid them at all costs, especially if you're predisposed to skin conditions or already have psoriasis. Limiting or avoiding alcohol and tobacco intake entirely can have a significant impact on the overall quality of life you experience. With a balanced diet and proper lifestyle choices, you can also reduce the number of psoriasis outbreaks and flare-ups you experience on an annual basis, regardless of how long you've had the condition.

Reclaim Your Skin Health: Schedule a Psoriasis Consultation Today

If you have had psoriasis for many years or believe you may have signs of psoriasis, seeking proper treatment can significantly improve your quality of life. To learn more about reducing flares of psoriasis, lifestyle changes, triggers, and treatments, schedule an appointment with Dermatology Affiliates today.

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