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Pearls for Preventing the Plights of Pollen Season Part 1 by Wayne Emineth PA-C

Eyelids and Eyes.

Pollen floating in the air will stick to the surface of the eye causing the eyes to itch.  Rubbing the eyes can cause a red, itchy irritant rash on the eyelids (eyelid dermatitis).

Some tips to help with eye allergy symptoms and eyelid dermatitis.

Alaway (ketofitin) eye drops help prevent histamine release and block histamine that has been released.  It helps to make eyes less itchy and may reduce eyelid irritation.

When the eyelids are irritated, the best over-the-counter treatment is to first apply water to irritated eyelids then apply a tiny dab of hydrocortisone 1% ointment Cortisone 10 or Cortaid to wet eyelids. The water hydrates the skin and enhances the anti-inflammatory effects of the hydrocortisone while the ointment seals in the water and creates a barrier on the skin to keep pollen from further irritating the skin. Do not put the ointment in the eye! If this doesn’t work, then come in for a visit for a stronger prescription ointment or other treatment options.

Studies have shown that using an inhaled nasal steroid spray (over the counter) will help reduce nasal and sinus allergy symptoms and has also shown to reduce eye allergy symptoms a little bit.

Skin Eczema and Atopic Dermatitis.

Pollen is well known to cause flares of eczema—both inhaled pollen and pollen contact with the skin.

After spending time outside, take time to rinse off in the shower, wash with a gentle cleanser like Cerave and apply an eczema preventing –barrier repair cream like Cerave cream.

If your eczema is flared, then apply prescription eczema medications as directed. Change to pollen free clean clothes and limit time outside until the pollen count drops to a reasonable level.  By changing clothes, you reduce the pollen in your home and on your furniture. Dust mites in pillows and bedding are another common allergen trigger for eczema (and asthma). Use dust mite covers on pillows and mattresses, change your linens weekly and limit the number of dust collecting things on the bed like decorating pillows/stuffed animals.


Wayne Emineth sees patients in our office Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Visit our “Contact Us” page to book an appointment with Wayne.

Part 2