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1 Secret Every African American Should Know

About 10 years ago I began to develop what I thought were new moles on my face. My maternal Grandmother and paternal Grandfather also had them so I thought I was stuck with them forever. As the years went by the number and size of the “moles” increased and this really started to bother me. -Psst! not moles One day while working with Dr. Clay we saw a patient who wanted some of her “moles” removed. She had the same problem as me. After her visit I asked Dr. Clay to give me some more information regarding the procedure. She told me that these were not moles but Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPN), basically age spots that about 35% of African Americans get on their face! I was a bit horrified as I thought I was too young for such a thing. She told me they could be removed easily and quickly using a hyfrecator or hot needle. I was ready to give it a try. Numbing gel was applied to the area and I waited about 30 minutes for it to numb the skin. Then using the hyfrecator Dr. Clay touched the surface area of each DPN. After the procedure the DPNs appeared darker. After 2 days they became flaky and then after 5 days they began to fall off with gentle washing. Simple as that! I was amazed at the difference in my appearance. Thanks to Dr. Clay I am more confident and feel like a new person. I am already planning to have more removed.

monique dpn after ttreatment
Image shows the DPNs appearing darker immediately after the treatment.
1 week after the procedure.
1 week after the procedure.
                    Monique is a Medical Assistant at Dermatology Affiliates.